We provide complete security solutions

What is a complete security solution?

Complete security solutions consist of everything you need to protect and take care of your family. We install security systems but we also help you prepare for these uncertain times. Get a personalized on site consult. We help with perimeter security, food security, a plan to have drinkable-storable water, power generation and more. The security of those you love is our business.

Door Jam Lock
Security Door Latch

Reinforce your door with a security latch installed.

Door Brace Lock
Floor Mounted Door Brace

Withstands a lot of force. Slide the latch in at night to feel safe.

Wifi transmitter
Wifi weak?

Have us wire and install a professional Wifi transmission extender for inside our outside. They work better than the plug-in devices sold in stores.

Point-to-point transceivers
Wireless Bridge

A point to point wireless Ethernet bridge provides a private connection link between two ot more buildings. No need to run wires a great distance with these devices. We use them to send camera signals back to a main building if we cannot run wires.

Information technology wall

Need some wiring done? We can run low voltage wiring for your needs. Network, Cable TV, Phone, Speakers and more.


Do you have wiring nightmare that needs to be cleaned-up? Have us clean it up so it looks tidy!

Solar Power Greenhouse
Small Solar Panel System

Want to capture the sun and store it to power your greenhouse fans? Two 100W panels charging a 12V battery that powers a greenhouse.

Greenhouse powerwall 12v
Small Solar Panel System

the greenhouse powerwall that charges a 12V-100Ah LiFePO4 battery.

solar panels 4kw
4Kw Solar Panel System

We source and install commercial grade products for small backup systems. This is a 24V-4Kw system which powers freezers on grid-down.

solar panel-installation
Commercial Solar Panels

Solar panel installation done by local roofing business – we install the equipment and wire it up. 24v-48v non grid-tie system with battery bank.

Solutions for uncertain times

If the grid goes down, supply chains are impacted by war or natural disasters, you may be on your own. We help you plan for these possibilities. We also help you source the best solutions. Save time and money by calling us for a Security Consultation. This isn’t a sales call. These consultations give you a workable plan you can put in to place quickly and easily.

Here are some things we consult on. Off grid power generation, water storage and purification, storable food options, gardening, shelter, waste management. Save valuable time and money with a personlized plan. Call us today.

Long term storable food, a garden which provides vitamins and minerals and the lost knowledge you need to make sure your harvest lasts until next season. These are skills we have lost. Ohmdrop will give you a plan you can use to provide food security for you and the ones you love. We help you source supplies and can help you create growing spaces.

Water comes from the tap until it stops running. We rely on this continous stream with no backup supply. Have you thought about water catchment and storage? What about water filtration? As part of the OHMDROP Consultation, you’ll have solutions to these questions.

The advent of plumbing and a sewage system increased the life span of humans. Waste management is critical in a grid down or emergency. Get solutions as part of your personal consult!

Rolling blackouts, grid issues or a bad storm can render the food in your fridge and freezer inedible. Some people rely on the grid to power medical equipment. Get an OHMDROP personalized consult and we’ll help you source the best power generation solution for your specific needs. Solar power generation is confusing and complex. We understand it and can help you make the best choice.

Knowing an intruder is near provides a “heads-up” and gives you time to prepare. We consult on, source, and instal video surveillance, alarms and photobeams. Our hardwired systems work even when the internet and WiFi don’t. Your video monitor will show your property even during a blackout if you have it on a battery backup (UPS). Call us today for real peace of mind.